The Czech company supplies medical equipment to the pediatric hospital in Sulaimania
24.05.2020 / 09:53 | Aktualizováno: 26.05.2020 / 13:20
Hospital in the city of Sulaimania shall purchase medical equipment from a selected Czech company worth almost CZK 5,000,000 from a financial grant provided through the Czech Development Cooperation instrument of tied financial donation.
On March 19, 2020, Mr. Michal Svoboda, the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Erbil, and Dr. Pishdar Adbullah Ismael, director of Dr. Jamal Ahmad Rashid Hospital in Sulaimania, signed the contract on the tied financial donation of the Czech Republic for the purchase of medical equipment for this pediatric hospital from a selected Czech company worth almost CZK 5,000,000. Signing ceremony was witnessed by Dr. Haval Abubaker, governor of Sulaimania province. Company LINET s.r.o. has been chosen as supplier.
The tied financial donation shall be implemented under the “Program of Support for the Czech Participation in Stabilization and Reconstruction of Iraq in the Period 2018 - 2021” of the Government of the Czech Republic.
Dr Jamal Ahmad Rashid Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Sulaimania is administered by the Directorate General for Health and Social Development of the Sulaimania province. The hospital has been founded in 1975. This specialized children's hospital has got 200 beds and 35 doctors providing medical services for both regular and emergency cases.
Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital had been receiving more than 1,000 outpatients and 100 hospitalized patients of different age groups up to 14 years of age. Internally displaced persons and refugees accounted for about 30% of daily patients. The hospital also served as a study center for Iraqi and Kurdish students.
The implementation of the tied financial donation in Sulaimania is in line with the Czech Republic's strategic development priorities in Iraq. The Czech supply will also be a good reference for other export activities of Czech companies in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and Iraq respectively.