Renovation of School in Babire, Nineveh Governorate, Iraq
19.10.2019 / 16:11 | Aktualizováno: 25.05.2020 / 15:56
On 12th September 2019, newly renovated school in Babire, district Tilkaif/Alqosh. Nineveh Governorate, has been opened for a new school year. “Babire School Renovation” project has been implemented as the small-scale development project of the Czech Development Assistance by the Consulate General of Czechia in Erbil with local non-governmental organization Shingala Azad.
The grand opening was supported by Mr. Ismail Mohammed Ahmed - Assistant Governor of Duhok Governorate, Mrs. Lara Zara Youseef - Mayor of Alqosh, Mr. Ali Edo – Director of Education of Tilkaif District office, Mr. Barav Sardar Ismail – Babire school director.
The school renovation project in Babire provides a better place for education of children and encourages returns of the original population to their homes.
Babire is one of the five villages forming a complex, which was built in 1985 following the construction of the Mosul dam during which most of the original villages were drowned under the water of the dam.
Before the attack of the so called Islamic State in 2014, the population of the complex numbered about 8000 persons; majority of which were workers.
After the liberation of the complex in 2016, some people returned to their homes, but still many of them did not return because of the lack of services in the complex like electricity, drinking water and sewage, health care, as well as access to education and work opportunities.
The project included overall external and internal renovation of building and equipping with school benches.
The project makes it easier and more pleasant for children to learn and improve their school performance.