High quality Czech medical equipment for hospitals in Kurdistan Region
31.01.2021 / 15:03 | Aktualizováno: 31.01.2021 / 15:15
Czechia continues its development cooperation in Kurdistan Region.
Using Tied Financial Donation Program, 2 surgical theatres and 3 delivery room sets will be installed in coming weeks to improve quality of health services for patients and to support the health sector in Kurdistan during difficult times.
The development cooperation tool of the Tied Financial Donation is also a valued opportunity for participating Czech companies to get good references in local market.
Erbil, 28 January 2021 - During a hand-over ceremony at the Erbil International Airport, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Erbil Mr. Michal Svoboda and Minister of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government H.E. Mr. Saman Hussein Muhammad witnessed the arrival of more than 6 tons of medical equipment from Czechia to be installed in hospitals in Kurdistan, in cooperation with Directorates General of Health of Erbil, Duhok and Halabja provinces and the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Devices of the Czech Republic.
Under the Czech development cooperation program of Tied Financial Donation of 2020, the five complete sets of medical equipment will be installed within coming weeks and will help to improve quality of health services available for patients in the following hospitals:
Khwakurk hospital in Daratw - two surgery room sets and one delivery room set,
Maternity ward of Bayara Hospital in Halabja – one delivery room set,
Maternity Hospital in Zakho – one delivery room set.
Under the same development cooperation program of 2019, in 2020, Czechia donated hospital beds to Dr. Jamal Ahmad Rashid Peadiatric Teaching Hospital in Suleimania and incubators and other medical equipment to hospitals in Duhok Governorate. The first pilot medical equipment donation project has been implemented in Mariamana Hospital in Ainkawa, Erbil in 2019.
In 2021 we are planning to continue our support to health and other sectors and donate more medical equipment, such as delivery room sets or “Czech Delivery Nests”, as we like to call them. We are happy to help. People in Kurdistan Region are our friends, says Consul General of Czechia in Erbil Mr. Michal Svoboda.
The Tied financial donation program is also well appreciated opportunity for the participating Czech companies to use the project references for their further acquisitions and activities in the local markets.
Humanitarian aid and development cooperation of the Czech Republic in the Kurdistan Region in 2017-2020 has been focusing on improving quality and access of population to healthcare, including child care, education and psychosocial support, livelihood and food security, water resources management, preservation of heritage and archaeological sites, support of economic reform and diversification of economy.
For more information about activities of Czechia in Kurdistan Region check Twitter @MiiPraha or visit our website.