Discover alternative cities in the Czech Republic
01.02.2019 / 15:25 | Aktualizováno: 11.06.2020 / 17:13
On 23 January 2019, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Dublin and the CzechTourism office in London organized a joint presentation held the Embassy in Dublin entitled "Discover Alternative Cities of the Czech Republic". The aim of the event was to acquaint Irish journalists, bloggers and tour operators with the various cities of the Czech Republic, other than the well-known and visited capital of Prague. The event was very warmly welcomed by the crowded room, as confirmed by the participants' sharing on instagram, twitter and other social networks.
The evening began with a speech from Petr Kynšter, Czech Ambassador to Ireland, who praised the cooperation between the Czech Republic and Ireland in the field of tourism and the interest of Irish citizens in exploring the beauty of the Czech Republic. He thanked the participants for their abundant participation and their keen interest in the Czech Republic in the fields of tourism, culture, economy and trade.
Katarina Hobbs, director of the CzechTourim office in London, as well as Kateřina Setunská, project manager and Kateřina Buglová, head of the Czech Tourism office, introduced the visitors to various cities and other attractive destinations in the Czech Republic. This time the attention swayed away from Prague to other smaller cities such as Brno, Ostrava, Karlovy Vary, Liberec, Olomouc, Kutná Hora and othes across the country. Towards the end, Eoin Brennan, economic and business specialist at the embassy, gave an overview of the successful business and economic events organized by the Embassy in 2018 and invited the attendees to take part in the upcoming events in 2019.
After the presentations, a reception took place during which an exchange of views on the cooperation between the staff of the Embassy and the CzechTourism office with the present Irish guests. From these interviews, many ideas emerged and specific co-operation in the field of tourism as well as in the commercial, economic and cultural spheres were negotiated. These contacts will help bring awareness of the possibilities and developments in the Czech Republic and the scope for cooperation in the aforementioned areas.