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Music performance at the National Day reception

As a part of the National Day reception organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic on October 29, 2007 at the residence of the Ambassador, two young Czech musicians offered their music performance.

As a part of the National Day reception organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic on October 29, 2007 at the residence of the Ambassador, two young Czech musicians offered their music performance. Both of them, saxophone player Luboš Víšek and piano player Jan Aleš are students of the Prague Conservatory. Jan Aleš is at the same time a student of the Faculty of Arts University Charles, branch Theory of music, and he accomplished a year study stay at Newcastle Conservatory, Great Britain.

saxofonista Luboš Víšek a klavírista Jan Aleš

Light classical and jazz repertoire was on the programme of the first part of the reception. After the address by the Ambassador on the occasion of the National Day of the Czech Republic a national anthem was sung by the present Czechs living in Denmark. It was especially them who were devoted the second part of the music performance, national Czech and Moravian songs, and still very popular songs by Jiří Suchý and Jiří Šlitr, and many others.

Velvyslanec Ivan Jančárek s chotí