Making of a Republic - lecture by historian V. Šmidrkal in Aarhus
16.10.2018 / 18:54 | Aktualizováno: 14.05.2019 / 12:31
On October 11, 2018, the Embassy of the Czech Republic organized a joint lecture in cooperation with the Aarhus University. Many thanks belong to the professor of contemporary history and translator from Czech to Danish Peter Bugge, who made the lecture on the emergence of Czechoslovakia as a new state on the map of Europe after the First World War possible.
At the beginning, Radek Pech, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, spoke about the Czechoslovak democracy and the basic facts regarding the centuries-old history of Czechoslovakia. The Embassy of the Slovak Republic was also represented, concretely by Viera Motešická, the Deputy Head of Mission of Slovakia.
Václav Šmidrkal, a historian from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague, focused on the circumstances of Czechoslovakia and its legitimacy in contrast to the strong institutional and legal continuity of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the tension between the "old" and the "new" revolutionary and evolutionary as typical features for an emerging state. The names of TG Masaryk, E. Beneš and M.R. Štefánik were mentioned as they were the three most important characters in the establishment of Czechoslovakia. The idea of a new state, the importance of its international recognition and the existence of its own army (the Czechoslovak Legion) were also discussed.
Around 30 students and teachers attended the lecture. They all participated very actively in the subsequent discussion. Questions addressed for example the name of the republic (Bohemia in contrast to Czechoslovakia and Czechia), comparison with the Balkan relations after the First World War or the establishment of a new state (the Czechoslovak monarchy).