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Aarhus: Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism

On Thursday 9 October 2014 on the initiative of the Czech ambassador Jiří Brodský, a panel discussion on the theme “25 years from the fall of communism in Central Europe” took place. The ambassadors of the Visegrád Group accredited in Denmark were invited as panellists to discuss with both students and professors from the Aarhus University.

The Czech ambassador reminded the guests about the events which preceded the Velvet revolution. He emphasized that in the discussion about the tragic era of communism in the former Czechoslovakia, it is necessary to distinguish the different decades. In connection with November 1989 the ambassador highlighted the role of Václav Havel and the fact that the slogan "Return to Europe" meant for Czechoslovakia returning to the developed European democracies, among which it already belonged during the years 1918 - 1938. He also mentioned the importance of the Czech Republic´s membership in NATO and the European Union, and the fact that the Czech Republic is today experiencing its historically longest period of democratic statehood. Also from the economic point of view, the past 25 years represent the country's most successful quarter century.

Czech  ambassador  Jiří Brodský´s lecture
Czech ambassador Jiří Brodský´s lecture

The discussion was moderated by political scientist, Associate Professor Lars Johannsen and Associate Professor Peter Bugge, who at the University of Aarhus focuses on central European countries, Czech language, Czech literature and history. In the debate the students were most interested in specific areas of V4 cooperation and eventual extension of its present format.

Discussion with students
Discussion with students

As accompanying program of the event, the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen arranged in cooperation with Studenterhus Aarhus on the day, a screening of the movie Burning Bush (2013) by Agnieszka Holland. The evening was launched by Ambassador Jiří Brodský who welcomed the students and shortly spoke about the legacy of Jan Palach. Afterwards he gave the floor to Associate Professor Peter Bugge who put the events depicted in the film into historical context.

Introduction to the movie by Associate professor Peter  Bugge
Introduction to the movie by Associate professor Peter Bugge

On Thursday 9 October 2014, the exhibition Czech Fateful Dates - To Be Occupied – To Be Liberated was opened in the foyer of the concert hall Musikhuset Aarhus. The exhibition curated by Dana Kyndrová, shows 50 photos by the prominent Czech photographers who captured milestone moments of modern Czech history in the years 1968, 1969 and 1989. It will be presented in Aarhus until 22 October 2014.

The exhibition  Czech Fateful Dates - To Be Occupied – To Be Liberated
The exhibition Czech Fateful Dates - To Be Occupied – To Be Liberated

Invitation to the panel discussion

Invitation to the film


visengrad_poster_A3_5 186 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 14, 2014

BURNING_BUSH_EN_3 100 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 14, 2014