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Screening of the movie "A Tender Revolution"

On 24 November 2009, a lecture by Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka on the Velvet Revolution together with a screening of the movie "A Tender Revolution" took place at the Embassy.

The lecture was mainly focused on Czechs living in Denmark. About 50 participants represented the exile generation after 1968, but most of them were young people, especially European exchange students (Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Russia). Former Danish Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Mr. Jørgen Bøjer, was also present. Z. Lyčka made a recollection of what happened in Czechoslovakia under the moving days of November 1989. He focused on his personal experiences from Národní třída and read a short part from Peter Sís’ book THE WALL: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain.

After the lecture, the documentary film A Tender Revolution by Jiří Střecha and Petr Slavík was screened. The film is a montage of authentic archive recordings from 1989 and the few weeks that followed after the 17 November 1989. It is based on four edited journals: 17 November 1989 by Vítězslav Bojanovský, 10 Days by Jiří Střecha, Conscience against Violence by Petr Slavík and Reflections by Martin Tobiáš, as well as on recordings by the following authors: M. Šandová, V. Kvasnička, P. Skála, B. Sobotka and A. Sobotka. A video recording from 17 November, a part of the film by the Prague Film Academy (FAMU) Bring a Flower with You and a part of the TV programme Sondy are also used in the documentary.

In the end, a vivid discussion between generations, i. a.  about Communists’ role and their influence today, started. This “velvet evening“ was the last event among the series of activities of the Czech Embassy around Denmark recollecting the fall of the Iron Curtain 20 years ago.

There were many guests at the Embassy’s screening room.