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Retrospective with Jan Svěrák in Copenhagen

In October 2007 a retrospective with the Czech film Director Jan Svěrák was held at the Danish Film Institute, organized in cooperation with the Phoenix Film Investmenst ApS and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Denmark.

In October 2007 a retrospective with the Czech film Director Jan Svěrák was held at the Danish Film Institute, organized in cooperation with the Phoenix Film Investmenst ApS and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Denmark. Jan Svěrák was present in Copenhagen and introduced in person a couple of his films: Empties (Vratné láhve) and Kolya on 26 October 2007.

According to the opinion of cinema viewers who participated in a cocktail before the projection ot the Empties at the Danish Film Institute and the projection itself, the movies of Jan Svěrák have had in Copenhagen a very good acceptance, compared to that one of the best American movies introduced in Denmark.

On 25 October 2007 a cocktail was held at the residence of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic for guests from the Danish cinema industry who had the occasion to meet Jan Svěrák, a successfull Czech Director and Oscar Award holder, and discuss with him. There were cinema directors, script writers, producers, the Director and Professors of the Danish Film School, representatives of film distributions, and as well Czechs living in Denmark.

On 27 October 2007 a workshop (Master Class) with Jan Svěrák took place at the Danish Film School for students and professional who are interested in film creation and issues with regard to financing.cinema and distribution.

Besides the above mentioned Empties and Kolja, three other films were introduced in the Danish Film Institute: Dark Blue World (Tmavomodrý svět), The Elementary School (Obecná škola) and Oil Gobblers (Ropáci).

Jan svěrák
Director Jan Svěrák