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Presentation of the Czech movie "Rafteres"

The last projection of the Czech movie at the Embassy of the Czech Republic before summer holiday had again attracted attention of Czech students, Czech compatriots and members of their families and their friends.

The last projection of the Czech movie at the Embassy of the Czech Republic before summer holiday had again attracted attention of Czech students, Czech compatriots and members of their families and their friends. The Embassy was pleased to welcome also diplomats of Slovakia and Hungary.

On 22nd May 2007 the movie The Rafteres (Rafťáci) by director Karel Janák who is, with Tomáš Holeček and Jan Prušinský, also the author of the script, was presented. This film is the second one for director Karel Janák whose first movie Snowboarders had a good public acceptance in Czech cinemas, especially among young people.

In the leading parts of the film The Rafteres: Vojta Kotek a Jiří Mádl, both of them known from the film Snowborďáci, Milan Šteindler, Veronika Freimanová, Oldřich Navrátil and other, mainly new faces of the Czech cinema. Production of the film: Martin Kořínek and Adam Dvořák, camera: Martin Šácha, sound: Roman Čapek.
