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“Eeny Meeny” in Husets Biograf

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf cordially invite you to the first Czech Film Night in the New year 2023, which will take place Tuesday the 24th of January 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in Husets Biograf, Rådshusstræde 13, Copenhagen K.

For the January screening, based upon forthcoming Czech presidential elections, we have chosen the film “Ene bene” (In Czech for 'Eeny meany miny mo') aka Eeny Meeny (1999), "a comedy about unimportant things that become important and vice versa". Alice Nellis, who was debuting at the time, was behind the screenplay and direction.


Student Jana comes home for the weekend to become a member of the election committee. Her agile mother is an enthusiastic supporter and member of the election staff of one of the candidates, while her sick, apathetic father, on the other hand, decides to completely ignore the election due to his wife's anger. The question of electoral preferences and the very fact of whether or not to go to the elections will become a battlefield for both of them, on which they will begin to solve all the problems accumulated over many years.


For more information about the screening and tickets, please visit this link

Source: CSFD.cz

Invitation: Eeny Meeny - 24. 1. 2023, Husets Biograf (PDF, 343 KB)