East By Southeast – a new festival of films from Central and Eastern Europe
22.10.2012 / 12:29 | Aktualizováno: 14.05.2019 / 12:45
The first year of the new film festival from Central and Eastern Europe under the title East by Southeast took place 3–21 October 2012 in Copenhagen. The festival was arranged by the Danish Film Institute in cooperation with the embassies of the participating countries.
East by Southeast which is inspired by the festival goEast in Wiesbaden, wants to give the Danish audience a closer insight into contemporary feature and documentary movies from Central and Eastern Europe which usually don´t get an opportunity to be shown within common distribution. The future scenario due to the Danish Film Institute gives the audience an annual chance to see the most interesting films from the cinematography of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The first year of the festival was launched by the Polish film Courage (Wymyk, 2011), which the director Greg Zglinski introduced in Cinemateket.
Among the twelve chosen movies for this year was the Czech movie Four Suns (Čtyři slunce, 2012) by director Bohdan Sláma. The Czech Republic was represented also by the two co-produced movies Gypsy (Cigán, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, 2011) and The House (Dům, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, 2011).
The new festival was met with a great interest from the audience. Twelve movies from ten countries were presented and each of them screened twice. During the festival there was also arranged a day with Polish animated movies.