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The exhibition "Out Of Reality" in Roskilde

The exhibition "Out Of Reality" by twelve contemporary Czech artists was shown 7-23 September 2012 in Musicon’s Hall 7 in Roskilde.

On 7 September 2012 a large exhibition of works by Czech contemporary artists under the title OUT OF REALITY was opened in the cultural centre MUSICON in Roskilde as a part of the Roskilde Festival of Art. The curators of the exhibition were the sculptor Jura Plieštik with his wife Brit Plieštik Jensen. The exhibition was held under the auspices of the Czech Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka.

Out of Reality hala
Musicon’s Hall 7 in Roskilde

The curators chose works by twelve Czech artists who were mainly influenced by the life in the countryside, mostly at Vysočina. Another connection can be seen in the artists’ endless endeavour to express themselves figuratively using classical art techniques.

Out of Reality výstava
The exhibition "Out of Reality"

The exhibition, which was placed in two halls of a former concrete factory, was launched by the Mayor of Roskilde, Joy Mogensen, and the Czech Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka. Both of them in their opening speeches emphasized the importance of mutually getting to know each other’s culture and they appreciated the enthusiastic and quality work of the curators.

Out of Reality Jura Plieštik
Jura Plieštik and Brit Plieštik Jensen welcome the exhibition´s guests

Out or Reality starostka
The opening speech by the Mayor of Roskilde Joy Mogensen

Out of Reality velvyslanec
The opening speech by the Czech Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka

There were not only the inhabitants of Roskilde at the opening but also Czechs living in Denmark and friends of Czech culture. Together they could enjoy a glass of Czech wine or beer while looking at the exhibited pictures.

Out of Reality hosté
The exhibition opening´s guests

The exhibition Out of Reality