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Opening of the Czech contemporary art exhibition

On Monday 20 June 2016 the exhibition of contemporary Czech art was open in Frederiksberg Main Library. The exhibition includes sculptures designed to be experienced by touch, and therefore the exhibition’s title „Touch me, please“. This event was presented on the occasion of the conclusion of the Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group and lasted until 8 July.

Ambassador Brodský with the director of Frederiksberg Library Tina Pihl

Ambassador Brodský with the director of Frederiksberg Library Tina Pihl

The first exhibition Hapestetika was created in the Czech Republic in 1990 from the initiative of Ms Terezie Hradilková, special educational needs teacher, who worked in the Union of the Blind, and the group of young Czech artists. The initial idea was to offer a tactile perception of quality works of art as an alternative to their visual perception. After several more exhibitions were carried out, it became clear, that not only blind people, but also visitors without visual impairment and children, showed an interest in the exhibition. Visitors without a visual handicap can in fact be blindfolded and perceive art works in the same way as their blind fellow-citizens.

The exhibition is exclusively compiled for each of its presentations in order to introduce various Czech contemporary artists and reach the widest audience in the respective country. This time, the visitors will have a chance to explore the works by traditional Czech artists such as Emil Filla, Otto Gutfreund and Radoslav Kratina, find also works by contemporary artists, i.e. Jakub Geltner or Veronika Richterová.

The exhibition is organized by the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen in cooperation with the association Hapestetika, Prague City Gallery, Frederiksberg Main Library and Czech compatriot association vKodani.cz.