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Exhibition “Czech UNESCO Sites“ in Esbjerg

The opening of the exhibition called “Czech UNESCO Sites“ took place at the exhibition area of Esbjerg City Hall on January 26 as a cultural event on the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council.

The exhibited panels

The opening speech was given by Mayor Johnny Søtrup, who stressed the beauty of the Czech UNESCO sites, which strongly outnumber the Danish part of the UNESCO list. Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka thanked Mayor for cooperation and then presented the logo, the motto and the priorities of the CZ PRES, and revealed main cultural and promotional activities connected with the Czech Presidency in Denmark in the first half of 2009.

The Mayor of Esbjerg, Mr. Johnny Søtrup and Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka

At the same time, the ambassador expressed his belief that the UNESCO Sites exhibition will attract many Danish tourists to the Czech Republic. Lots of tourist materials accompanying the exhibited sites should help the fulfilment of this aim. The Nordic Office of the CzechTourism Agency, situated in Stockholm, in cooperation with the Czech Airlines Copenhagen Office prepared a visitors’ contest. A winner will be drawn to obtain a weekend stay in Prague for two persons.

Mayor Johnny Søtrup and Senior Secretary Margit Sørensen

The participants of the opening ceremony were offered a glass of Czech beer and wine. The exhibition in Esbjerg will be open until 6 February 2009.

City Hall in Esbjerg