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Opening of “Czech UNESCO Sites“ Exhibition in Århus

The opening of the exhibition called “Czech UNESCO Sites“ took place at Århus City Hall on 13 January as a cultural event of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council.

Opening of “Czech UNESCO Sites“ Exhibition in Århus - Mr Niels Brøchner, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic, Mr Nicolai Wammen, Lord Mayor, and Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka

The opening speech was given by Mr Nicolai Wammen, Lord Mayor, who summarized hitherto fruitful cooperation between the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Århus City Hall.

Opening of “Czech UNESCO Sites“ Exhibition in Århus - Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka

Ambasador Zdeněk Lyčka thanked Lord Mayor for cooperation and then presented the logo, the motto and the priorities of the CZ PRES, revealed main cultural and promotional activities connected with the Czech Presidency in Denmark and opened the UNESCO sites exhibition.

From the opening of “Czech UNESCO Sites“ Exhibition in Århus

The invited guests, namely leading employees of the City Hall, Mr Niels Brøchner, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic, Ms Kateřina Haušildová, Czech Studies lecturer at Århus University and representatives of Czechs living in Denmark, amounting to about 50 persons, had the opportunity to taste Czech beer and wine.

Opening of “Czech UNESCO Sites“ Exhibition in Århus - Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka and the invited guests