Exhibition “Sophie´s choice in the Czech Way“ in Denmark
02.01.2014 / 12:45 | Aktualizováno: 18.09.2014 / 13:36
Exhibition “Sophie´s choice in the Czech Way“ by the journalist and researcher Judita Matyášová is travelling around Denmark.
Sophie´s Choice In the Czech Way refers to the name of the book Sophie´s Choice by William Styron which tells the story about a Jewish mother who had to choose to save one of her two children. Just before the breakout of WW2 some Czech Jewish parents found themselves in a similar situation when they had to choose which one of their children would go to the Zionist courses preparing them for life in Palestine. Because of circumstances during the war, these 80 children never reached Palestine as it was planned but were accepted in foster families in Denmark and later fled to Sweden.
The Czech journalist and researcher Judita Matyášová has been searching for these survivors (today almost 90 years old) all around the world. She has documented this unknown chapter of Czech-Danish-Swedish history, which has been continuing to Israel, where a lot of these survivors are still alive.
For more information about the exhibition, please visit:
Sophie´s Choice In the Czech Way
Facebook: Friendship in spite of Hitler
The travelling exhibition´s journey in Denmark
15 - 26 September 2014
Historiens Hus
Exhibition Opening
3 - 31 March 2014
Vordingborg Bibliotek
Sydsjællands Tidende, 28 February 2014
Sydsjællands Tidende (p.32)
Sydsjællands Tidende, 4 March 2014
Sydsjællands Tidende, 5 March 2014
Sydsjællands Tidende, 5 March 2014
27 January - 2 March 2014
Biblioteket Kulturværftet
The Czech Embassy´s invitation
Biblioteket Kulturværftet´s invitation
Invitation to the exhibition opening
Exhibition opening
28 September - 31 October 2013
The Janáček Trio
Gribskov Avisen
Frederiksborg Amts Avis
15 - 28 September 2013
The Jewish House
Invitation to the exhibition opening
Invitation to the exhibition
25 June - 31 August 2013
Frøslevlejrens Museum
Press Release
25 April – 31 May 2013
Næstved Museum – Helligåndshuset
Press Release
Exhibition opening
Næstved Bladet: Jensine mindes stadig den jødiske pige
Næstved-Bladet: På flugt fra nazisterne: Zuzana reddede livet i Næstved
Næstved-Bladet: Plejebarns amerikanske datter besøgte Jensine
Lidové noviny: Osudy židovskych děti - Cesta do neznama jim zachranila život
Thisted Dagblad 6 January 2014
DR P1 Dokumentar: Jødiske børn overlevede hos danske bondefamilier
We would like to thank ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION a.s. who has had a great part in supporting the exhibition.