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Photo: Alfons Mucha
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Exhibition opening of Alfons Mucha at Arken Museum of Modern Art

On February 2, 2018, an exhibition opening of paintings of the world famous Art Nouveau artist Alfons Mucha took place at Arken Museum of Modern Art in Ishøj.

The exhibition was introduced by the museum's director accompanied by the grandson of the painter, John Mucha and his son Marcus. Marcus moved from Los Angeles to the Czech Republic one year ago to help his father run the foundation. The Mucha Foundation is an independent and nonprofit charitable institution that takes care of the legacy of Alfons Mucha. The dispute over the ownership of the Slavic Epic, which Mucha's family demands is still being processed by the Czech courts (since George Mucha died in April 1991). In his speech, John Mucha recalled the intertwined connection with Denmark, because his wife was born in the Faroe Islands.