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Celebration of Jan Švankmajer´s 80th birthday in Denmark

The Czech Embassy in Copenhagen in cooperation with the Danish Film Institute, arranged in September the screenings of three movies by the director, animator and visual artist Jan Švankmajer, on the occasion of the filmmaker´s 80th birthday.

Ambassador Jiří Brodský
Welcome speech by Czech ambassador Jiří Brodský; photo: Hasse Ferrold

The festival was launched in Cinemateket in Copenhagen on the director´s birthday Thursday 4 September 2014, with the Danish premiere of Švankmajer´s latest movie Surviving Life (2010). The Czech ambassador Jiří Brodský welcomed the guests and shortly spoke about Jan Švankmajer. The movie was introduced by film expert Peter Skovfoged Laursen, who gave the audience a presentation of the significant Czech artist in the context of world cinematography.

Peter Skovfoged Laursen
Peter Skovfoged Laursen

After the screening the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen invited the spectators for a glass of Czech beer.

During September the spectators could also see the movies Alice (1988) and Conspirators of Pleasure (1996).

Cinemateket´s Program

The exhibition Jan Švankmajer
The exhibition Jan Švankmajer: Dimensions of Dialogue Between Film and Fine Art

The Czech Embassy in Copenhagen also commemorated Jan Švankmajer´s important life jubilee from 26 August – 7 September 2014 in the third largest Danish city Odense. There the embassy in cooperation with the Media Museum presented the exhibition Jan Švankmajer: Dimensions of Dialogue Between Film and Fine Art, as a supporting program to Odense International Film Festival OFF 2014. The exhibition summarized the importance of Švankmajer´s work and pointed out interconnections between his film work and other creative, especially visual, expressions.

The exhibition´s introductory panel
The exhibition´s introductory panel


PROGRAM_CINEMATEKET_1 200 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 15, 2014