Culture Night 2018
17.10.2018 / 12:03 | Aktualizováno: 23.11.2018 / 17:18
Another Culture Night was held in Copenhagen on October 12, 2018. The Embassy of the Czech Republic participated and opened doors of the residence, perhaps for the first time, to the public.
This year's Culture Night held a record number of participants involving cultural and other public institutions, a total number of 959. Organizers assigned the residence of the Embassy number 767 while competing for attention of visitors with several other embassies.
Our Embassy offered guided tours of the residence's representative space (our local employee Ivana Slachová successfully played the role as a tour guide). The guided tours had undeniable educational character. A great attraction was the extensive stained glass by the staircase in the lobby, depicting the goddess Gefion known in Danish mythology. We also offered screening of Jan Špát's documentary film 777 Seconds picturing Czechoslovakia in 1992. Visitors could also enjoy promotional materials and taste Czech specialties.
Visitors were not only Czech and Slovak compatriots, but also Danish people of all ages, with predominantly older couples and groups of students who, in some cases, selected the Czech residence as a meeting point.