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History of Flight Connection

Flight connection between Prague and Copenhagen was established in 1946.

An article published 8 August 1946 in the Danish newspaper Land og Folk.


Land og Folk


Prague-Copenhagen Flight Route Festive Opening

One of the mechanics from the Czechoslovak airline participated in the inaugural flight together with the director of the company

Yesterday Kastrup Airport had hoisted the red-blue-white Czech flag to welcome the first aircraft on the new route from Prague to Copenhagen. Just before noon one of Ceskoslovenske aerolinie Douglas aircraft landed, and parked in front of the airport terminal, where the Czechoslovak Minister to Copenhagen Zdenek Nemecek, DDL operations manager Bech Nielsen, Director of civil aviation Knud Gregersen and airport Commandant Leo Sørensen were present to bid welcome.

The workers represented by their shop steward

Apart from half a dozen passengers going on to Stockholm, one of the Czechoslovak Airlines leading men, Director Karen, and the workers shop steward, Chief mechanic Prokes were also onboard the inaugural flight. It was something new and quite unusual with this inaugural flight, that also the workers of the company were represented, even though this ought to be natural - even for private airlines. Ceskoslovenske aerolinie is like other Czechoslovak companies nationalized, and the workers of the airline have their shop steward in the management, where

he is active in making decisions in the running of the company. His participation in official matters like the inaugural flight yesterday is not a gesture from management, but quite a natural thing.

5 weekly flights to Prague

A quick celebration had been arranged at the airport, where operations manager Bech Nielsen expressed best wishes on behalf of Danish aviation, for the new route between Copenhagen and Prague, which is to be flown twice a week, and which together with the Danish and Swedish flights will make a total of five weekly connections to Czechoslovakia.

Director Karen returned the good wishes for the Danish Prague route, and said in his little speech, thet he hoped that this way Denmark and Czechoslovakia would become closer and learn from each other. The Czechoslovak Minister, Zdnek Nemecek, ended the celebration with a speech in fluent Danish.

At this point the aircraft from Prague had been refuelled, and could continue the flight to Stockholm.


The text under the photo: From the opening of the Czechoslovak air route Prague-Copenhagen. One of the Czechoslovak Directors, Dr. Karen (left) talking to the Czechoslovak Minister in Copenhagen an the shop steward for the Czechoslovak Airlines workers, Chief mechanic Prokes, who participated in the inaugural flight.


An article published 8 August 1946 in the Danish daily Børsen.

Luften er vort Hav


"The air is our sea"

Scheduled service to Prague opened

In Czechoslovakia we have a saying that "The air is our sea" said the Czech Minister Zdenek Nemecek, when he was at Kastrup yesterday to witness the opening of the scheduled service between Copenhagen and Prague, and in that way expressed the wish of the Czech people to make a contribution to airtransport. The minister`s speech was in very good Danish.

This summer Kastrup has witnessed many special days. The occasion yesterday must be reckoned as one of more important ones. The aircraft arrived from Prague almost on schedule and on board

Were amongst others airline directors Peter Karen and Prokes. At the reception which followed, speeches apart from that of minister Nemecek, were made by DDL operation manager Beck Nielsen and director Karen.

Good wishes were expressed for the new connection, which is to be operated twice a week ba DDL and twice a week by the Czech airline. However both the Norwegians and the Swedes have air connections with Prague. Later the aircraft continued to Stockholm.

The text under the photo: The Director for Civil Aviation Knud Gregersen and the Czech Minister Nemecek


An article published 8 August 1946 in the Danish daily Politiken.


Czech airroute to Copenhagen open now

Now the Czech flag is also flying in the long line of foreign airline houseflags at the airport. Two days ago DDL opened a new airroute from Copenhagen to Prague, and yesterday at noon the first aircraft on the new route Prague-Copenhagen-Stockholm arrived here.

A small reception celebration was held after the arrival. Amongst those present was Czech Minister Nemecek, and from Danish Foreign Ministry was Dr. Gregersen. Danish aviation was represented by Director of civil aviation Knud Gregersen, Airport Commandant Leo Sørensen and Operations manager Bech Nielsen from DDL.

Arriving on the Czech aircraft, a new DC-3, was Vice Director of the Czech airline C.S.A. and chief mechanic Mr. Prokes, who is shop steward for the workers of the company - a small sign that the new development in Czechoslovakia is within the socialist system. C.S.A. is very first foreign airline obtained permission to overfly Russian occupied territory, on a new route to Belgrade.

Within aviation, Prague is preparing to take over Berlin former role as an aviation-centre in eastern Europe.

As soon as the aircraft had landed Czech and Danish aviation people got together at a small reception in Director Gregersen`s new elegant reception lounge in the airport building. On behalf of DDL, Operation manager Bech Nielsen welcomed the co-operation with CSA, and Mr. Karen replied with a heartfelt assurance that it was a Czech hope that the two companies could work together. This wish was confirmed by Minister Nemecek, who in a well formulated speech in Danish, expressed the bond between beautiful Copenhagen and the old historical Prague. And expressed the importance of developing Czech aviation - "only the air is our sea", he said.

Within the business community there is a big interest in this airroute, which has now had a double-opening, and without doubt the new route will quickly be of great importance for developing trade between Czechoslovakia and Denmark.

The text under the photo: The first Czech aircraft after arrival yesterday