Facts and Figures
Official Title
The Czech Republic (Česká republika)
78,703 sq. km (30,449 sq. mil)
Number of inhabitants:
10,58 mil. inhabitants
The national flag of the CR
The National Coat of Arms
Capital City
Prague (Praha, 1.2 mil. inhabitants)
Othe Major Cities
Brno (404,345 inh.)
Ostrava (342,918 inh.)
Pilsen (Plzeň, 181,634 inh.)
Olomouc (101,898 inh.)
Official language:
Ethnic makeup
95% Czech, 3% Slovak, 0,6 Polish, 0,4% German, 1% Other
Czech Crown (Česká koruna - Kč), 1Kč = 100 hallers (see The Czech National Bank)
39,8% Atheist, 39,2% Roman Catholic, 4,6% Protestant, 3% Orthodox, 13,4% undecided
Telephone numbers
The country telephone code for the Czech Republic is 00420
Emergency numbers: Police - 158, Fire Department - 150, Ambulance - 155
European emergency number: 112
National Holidays:
January 1, Day of the re-establishment of the independent Czech state
May 8, Victory Day
July 5, Day of the Slav apostles Cyril and Methodius
July 6, Death of Jan Hus
September 28, Day of Czech statehood
October 28, Establishment of the independent state of Czechoslovakia
November 17, Day of the fight for freedom and democracy
Other Holidays
January 1, New Years day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
May 1, Labor Day
December 24, Christmas
December 25, 1st day of Christmas
December 26, 2nd day of Christmas
(National holidays and other holidays are bank holidays)