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Make an appointment

Making an appointment for a Long-term Visa or Residence Permit or Blue Card (!NO EMPLOYEE CARDS!)
To make an APPOINTMENT send an email to: cairo.longtermvisa@mzv.gov.cz 

The email must include information about the APPLICANT:
1 - A filled questionnaire (see and download below the .docx format form);
2 - A scan of the data page of the travel document in pdf format;
3 - A scan of the document proving the purpose of the planned stay in pdf format (eg. a certificate of study -  marriage or birth certificate plus apl. no., visa or residency card of the principal - depending on the purpose of the applicant´s stay).

Please note there is a special link and e-mail box on how to make an appointment for Employee cards. The information on this link is valid for all types of long term visas and stay except Employee cards. 

The Embassy will not respond to attempts which do not follow the above mentioned procedure.

Applications will be accepted and processed chronologically. In one e-mail it is possible to ask for a slot for only one applicant, (the only exception is in case of minor applicant whose request for slot will be accepted in the same e-mail as of his/her parent).

The applicant will receive an appointment only if the e-mail contains all necessary requirements.

Appointment dates are final and unchangeable. Cancelled appointments cannot be replaced by other applicants. If the applicant cancels the appointment, a new appointment must be arranged via e-mail by the same procedure.

Important notice: long-term appointment e-mail request that will not contain above-mentioned attachments or will contain the attachment in different than above-mentioned format or will contain attachments exceeding the total of 1 MB per e-mail, will be considered invalid!

Registration e-mails that have the functionality of not being able to send a reply from the mailbox to which they are delivered (activated by the sender) will be also eliminated from registration.

The Embassy, upon receiving a valid request, confirms the appointment via e-mail. Appointments are granted exclusively according to the order of the incoming e-mails in the mailbox. Do not send repetitive e-mail orders but wait till you receive the answer. E-mail orders are not processed immediately.



questionaire 12 KB DOCX (FILE_TYPE_DOCX) Jun 28, 2021