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Consular and Travel Information

Opening hours for the Public:
Monday - Friday before noon (excluding Czech national Holidays) - It is necessary to make an appointment with us in advance by e-mail.

Visiting address of the Consular Department of the Czech Embassy in Switzerland:
Burgernzielweg 2
3006 Bern
Entry through the small gate on the right hand side/ „The Gardener´s House“ – not into the main building of the Embassy


No. 7, direction Ostring, tramstop Burgernziel

Telephone connections:
We ask for your kind understanding that we cannot take on your telephonic requests during the office hours for the public.

We will be happy to advise you:
Monday–Friday: 14:00–16:00
Tel:  +41-31-350 40 70
Fax: +41-31-350 40 98
Electronic mail:

Consular emergency service – only for cases of extreme emergency outside workinghours: +41-796 413 300.