Czech Embassy hosts a meeting with Czech compatriots and alumni
09.12.2019 / 11:33 | Aktualizováno: 09.12.2019 / 11:51
A meeting with former Czech alumni and compatriots took place on 22. of November at the Czech Republic Embassy premises. H.E. Ambassador Dr. Pavel Mikes welcomed all the participants with a speach in a Czech language. Consequently a lively discussion took place, mainly commemorating their experiences during the studies in former Czechoslovakia in 70s and 80s, as well as about their current engagements.
After that, H. E. Ambassador offered as a present more than 100 books, that were brought by the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs during his recent visit.
The books of classic Czech writers such as K. H. Borovský, Čapek, J. Neruda, B. Němcová, A. Jirásek and K. H. Mácha, and many others that were published by Czech publishing house HOST in Brno (www.hostbrno.cz), as well as modern Czech authors were presented.
Further, books by Czech authors in English and Czech-English bilingual books were donated to our alumni in order to practice Czech language skills. Specialized literature was also available, particularly medical publications by Czech authors in English for the medicine graduates. Last, but not least, books about Eastern Christianity publshed by the publishing house PAVEL MERVART (www.pavelmervart.cz), and about the Orient published by the publishing house Dar Ibn Rushd (www.daribnrushd.cz) were offered.