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budova ZU Addis Abeba

Working hours for legalizations in March and April 2025

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa informs that due to operational reasons the legalization services usually provided on Mondays will be provided ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY on the following Mondays during the months of March and April… more ►

Call for proposals: Local Transformation Projects for 2025

Transition Promotion Program

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa has opened a call for proposals for local transformation projects to be implemented in Ethiopia, the Comoros and South Sudan in 2025. All interested organisations are invited to submit their… more ►

New President of the Czech Republic

New President of the Czech Republic

Czechia has a new president – Petr Pavel, a former army general who has extensive experience in the military and international relations. President Pavel's inauguration ceremony took place on 9th March 2023, marking the start of his… more ►

Parallels between Ethiopian and European philosophy

Parallels between Ethiopian and European philosophy

The Czech - Ethiopian relations have many forms - economic, political, developmental, etc. However Ethiopia also arises the interest of Czech social scientists, and among them the philosophers. Dr. Jan Svoboda a well-known specialist in… more ►

Interview with Ambassador Mikeš published by the Capital newspaper

The Capital newspaper conducted an interview with Ambasssador Pavel Mikeš about the current relations between Ethiopia and the Czech Republic, projects of the embassy and priorities of the Czech EU Council Presidency. The interview starts on… more ►

Karel Čapek´s popularity in the Horn of Africa on the rise

One of the most prominent Czech writers Karel Čapek (pronounce Chapek) is getting getting more and more popular in the Horn of Africa countries. Some of Karel Čapek's short stories were translated into Amharic by a well-known Ethiopian writer… more ►

Women on the Run at the European Film Festival in Addis Ababa

Women on the Run at the European Film Festival in Addis Ababa

On Saturday, May 7, 2022, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa, in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia, screened the film "Women on the Run" by director Martin Horský. The screening took place as part of… more ►

Czech Scientists on Ethiopian Geology

BlueNile Debre Markos

Czech geologists from the Czech Geological Survey and Charles University in close cooperation with Ethiopian colleagues from the Geological Survey of Ethiopia and Addis Ababa Science and Technology University published the results of joint… more ►

Czech Government Offers Scholarships for Ethiopian Students

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa is pleased to announce its annual call for applications for the Governmental scholarships provided by the Government of the Czech Republic for the academic year of 2022/2023. more ►

MFA statement on Africa Day

MZV Černínský palác

Today, on May 25th, we mark the international Africa Day. On this day in 1963, the Organization of African Unity – the cornerstone of today’s African Union – was founded. more ►

Sidama Regional State Officially Inaugurated


The Czech Republic Embassy representative (Ms. Kateřina Manová) had an honour to participate at the official inauguration ceremony of the Sidama Regional State that was held on 22 of February in Awassa. The public event was attended by thousands… more ►

Czech Embassy monitors innovative humanitarian project

Representatives of woreda and Czech Embassy

Representative of the Czech Embassy in Addis Abeba took part at joint monitoring of humanitarian assistance project funded by the Czech Republic under the name: "Access to Water and Sanitation for Internally Displaced Persons and Host… more ►

Robot, the Most Famous Czech, Celebrates 100 Years

This year we are celebrating a unique Czech science fiction centenary. It is one hundred years since the word ROBOT has became a part of the vocabulary of all world languages. This happened thanks to creative inventions of two geniuses: the… more ►

Student from BeteSeb Academy awarded by Czech Embassy

Lidice 2020_úvodní

On November 13, 2020 Mr Pavel Šára, Economic Counsellor of the Embassy, visited BeteSeb Academy in Addis Abeba and handed over Diploma „Honorable Mention“ within the International Children´s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice. The… more ►

Monitoring of the Small Scale Project in Arbegona

Beneficiary with polutry.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa supported the Arbegona Livelihood Enhancement Project implemented by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus - Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY - DASSC). The aim of the… more ►

Czech Embassy joined Green Legacy campaign again

Green Legacy II

Embassy of the Czech Republic joined again this year's edition of the "Green Legacy - Arengwadye Ashara" campaign that aims to plant 20 bilion trees within four-year perior to fight climate change a deforestation. During recent rainy season more… more ►

Celebrating Africa Day 2020

Africa Day

The Coronavirus may have interfered with some of our plans but we will not let it interfere with the longstanding bond between Czechia and African nations. more ►

Visa Section of the Embassy remains closed


Ministry of Foreign Affairs has resumed gradual provision of visa services as of May 11, 2020 (in accordance with the decision of the Government). This resumption concerns only certain purposes of travel and only diplomatic missions in those… more ►

Embassy donated books to the Institute of Ethiopian Studies


On March 5, 2020, the Embassy of the Czech Republic donated books to the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University. H. E. Ambassador Pavel Mikeš presented more than 50 publications by Czech authors of fiction and scientific works… more ►

The Czech Republic supported four Small Scale Local Projects

Family supported by the project.

In 2019, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa supported several local organizations through the Small Scale Local Projects program, financed from the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. This time, three… more ►

The Czech Center of Global Studies visits Ethiopia

CGS team and Addis Abeba University team

A delegation of the Centre of Global Studies (CGS), which is a part of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences has visited Ethiopia these days. The delegation was lead by the Director of the CGS Dr. Marek Hrubec. Purpose… more ►

Doctors from the Czech Heart Foundation examined over 400 patients

Czech Heart Foundation team

In recent weeks, a medical mission of the Czech Heart Foundation visited Ethiopia. During their visit the doctors were able to examine 402 adults and pediatric patients by echo-cardiography for rheumatic and congenital heart diseases. Doctors… more ►

Changes in the Schengen Visa Code

The revised Visa Code enters into force on February 2, 2020. Some revisions, which concern procedure for submission of Schengen visa applications, are summarized below. more ►

Czech Embassy hosts a meeting with Czech compatriots and alumni

Book handover

A meeting with former Czech alumni and compatriots took place on 22. of November at the Czech Republic Embassy premises. H.E. Ambassador Dr. Pavel Mikes welcomed all the participants with a speach in a Czech language. Consequently a lively… more ►

Celebrating 40 Years Of Cooperation In Geology

Celebrating 40 years of cooperation in geology

Czech Republic and Ethiopia maintain a longstanding cooperation in the field of geology. It all started in the late 1970s with exchanging of experts between Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE) and Czech Geological Survey (CGS). more ►

Czech Culinary Week comes to Addis Ababa

Czech Culinary Week

Czech Culinary Week at the Hilton Addis Ababa in collaboration with the Embassy of the Czech Republic will take place from 29 October until 1 November 2019. more ►

Medical help to Ethiopia – second MEDEVAC mission

The MEDEVAC team with the training participants

The second mission of the health-humanitarian program MEDEVAC took place in Ethiopia between 22. – 28. September 2019. The second mission consisted of a children cardio surgeon prof. Tomáš Tláskal from the Motol hospital in Prague, 3… more ►

Czech Embassy continues to plant trees!

Father Wolde Mariam with the Ambassador of Czechia

Czech Embassy is still active in trees planting since joining the campaign „Green Legacy – Arengwadye Ashara“ but did not limit its activities only to the month of July. We continue to plant more trees as well as monitor and… more ►

Czech Humanitarian Aid in South Sudan

Medical check

The Czech Republic has been supporting South Sudan for many years. As the humanitarian situation in South Sudan stays very difficult, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic supports a project providing healthcare to victims of… more ►

Czech humanitarian Aid in Somali region

Czech Ambassador Pavel Mikeš

From 15 to 18 July 2019, Ambassador Pavel Mikeš and Martina Rubešková, Head of Development Cooperation visited the Somali region for monitoring a humanitarian project supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Ambassador… more ►

Czech Embassy planting trees!

Opening ceremony

The Czech Embassy in Addis Ababa has joined the Green Legacy initiative, which aims to plant more than 4 billion trees across Ethiopia, 3 million of the are supposed to be planted in Addis Ababa during the current rain season. The symbolic… more ►

Development Cooperation with MASHAV in 2019

Visit to drip irrigation site

Since 2016 the Czech Development Cooperation in Ethiopia collaborates closely with the Agency for International Development Cooperation MASHAV. Two participants of projects implemented by the Czech Development Agency got the opportunity to… more ►

Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in 2017

As the Development Cooperation is an important part of the Czech Foreign Policy we are proud to present you the overview of our development cooperation in the year 2017. The Official Development Assistance (ODA) provided by the Czech Republic… more ►

Book donation to the School of St. Yared

Book donation

On June 17th, 2019 Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Ethiopia, Pavel Mikeš, visited the School of St. Yared based in Addis Ababa. On this occasion the students from the school received as a gift to their library several books in English or… more ►

Photo Exhibition FACES opened in Addis Ababa

Líba Taylor in Addis Ababa

Hilton Addis hosted grand opening of the photo exhibition FACES by Líba Taylor in the evening on Tuesday 18th June. Pictures of smiles and faces of the Horn of Africa were taken by well-known Czech-British photographer Líba Taylor. more ►

International Trade Fairs in Brno, 2019

Brno is famous for Trade Fairs

BVV Trade Fairs Brno, one of the most prominent trade fairs organizers in Central and Eastern European countries, organises every year approximately 50 trade fairs or other exhibition events. Traditionally, the largest and most important event… more ►

Czechia to boost cultural ties with Harar

Visit to Harar

Ambassador Pavel Mikeš visited in 10. - 12. 6. 2019 Harari Regional State. Many aspects of boosting cooperation in culture and tourism were discussed with local authorities. more ►

Abyssinian Odyssey in Amharic is now online

Abyssinian Odyssey

Amharic version of the book Abyssinian Odyssey by Czech writer Adolf Parlesák, whose first edition has been published in 1997 by Addis Ababa University Press, is now available online as audiobook. more ►

Student from Notre Dame School awarded by Czech Embassy

Ceremony at Dire Dawa School

On April 17, 2019 Deputy Head of Mission, Mr. Jaroslav Zukerstein, visited Notre Dame school in Dire Dawa to hand over Diploma “Honorable Mention” within the International Children´s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice. The drawing… more ►

Call for papers for Conference on African Philosophy in Prague

Call for papers for "Asixoxe (Let's Talk) Conference on African Philosophy. Africa in a cosmopolitan and polycentric world - putting emphasis on African youth and civil society" to be held in Prague on 17-18 June 2019. This conference is jointly… more ►

Opening of the Film Festival „Movies From The Vault“

Opening of the Film Festival „Movies From The Vault“

On May 24, 2018, ambassadors of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic officially launched the Film festival “Movies From The Vault” in the Italian Cultural Institute in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. The three-day festival is… more ►

Development Cooperation with MASHAV in 2018

MASHAV training

Building on a very positive experience from 2016, Czech Development Cooperation continued to cooperate with the Israel´s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) in 2018. Four selected Ethiopian experts engaged in the… more ►

Music for Ethiopia

String instruments

In 2018, as every year the Embassy of the Czech Republic supports 3 small scale projects in Ethiopia. One of the project was “Music for Ethiopia” that the Embassy has implemented in cooperation with the Yared school of Music in Addis… more ►

Small scale local projects in 2017

PPRO project

Every year the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa supports selected Ethiopia NGOs in the framework of the small scale projects call. The main aim of these projects is to directly address specific and real needs of the community. Since… more ►

Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in 2016

As the Development Cooperation is an important part of the Czech Foreign Policy we are proud to present you the overview of our development cooperation in the year 2016. The Official Development Assistance (ODA) provided by the Czech Republic… more ►

Full concert hall applauds Czech violoncellist Terezie Kovalová

Terezie Kovalová during her concert in Addis Ababa, 25 October 27

Celebrating the 99th anniversary of establishing of Czechoslovakia, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa organised a concert of multitalented Czech violoncellist Terezie Kovalová. During her show, the young artist offered a unique… more ►

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Nairobi opens its visa section

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Nairobi opened its visa section on 10 October, 2017. As a result, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa is no longer responsible for Schengen visas, long term visas and residential permits of… more ►

Small Scale Local Project – Call for Proposals 2018

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Small scale local projects (SLP) directly managed by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa. These projects are complementary… more ►

Small scale local projects supported by the Czech Embassy in 2016

Adheno project

Every year the Czech Embassy in Addis Ababa supports selected Ethiopian NGOs in the framework of the small scale projects call. The main aim of these projects is to directly address specific and real needs of the community. Since 2006, the Czech… more ►

Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in 2015

As the Development Cooperation is an important part of the Czech Foreign Policy we are proud to present you the overview of our development cooperation in the year 2015, including statistics on the Czech ODA according to the OECD DAC… more ►

የቫትስላፍ ሃቨልን 80ኛ አመታት የልደት በአል አስመልክቶ ለተዘጋጀው ዓውደ-ርእይ የግብዣ ጥሪ::

Invitation: Exhibition marking Václav Havel’s 80th anniversary of birth

እ.አ.አ ጥቅምት 2016 በቼክ ሪፐብሊክ በሃያኛው ክፍለ ዘመን የመጨረሻዎቹ አመታት በፖለቲካው ጉልህ ሚና የነበራቸውን የቀድሞው ፕሬዚደንት ቫትስላፍ ሃቨል 80ኛ አመት የልደት በአል የምንዘክርበት ወቅት ነው:: ይህንን ውድ ጊዜ ለማክበር በአዲስ አበባ የሚገኘው የቼክ ሪፐብሊክ ኤምባሲ ባዘጋጀው “ቫትስላፍ ሃቨል: ፖለቲካዊ ህሊና እና ሃላፊነት” የተሰኘው የፎቶ… more ►

Honorary Consulate of Czech Republic in Seychelles Reopens

After three years of temporary closure following the demise of the late honorary consul, the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Victoria (Republic of Seychelles) is reopening as of 1 October 2015. more ►

European Film Festival opens in Addis Ababa

From October 2 till October 15, 2015, the traditional European Film Festival will be held in Addis Ababa. The films will be screened in English or in original language with English subtitles at the Juventus Sport Club, the Alliance… more ►

Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in 2014

The attached document provides an overview of the development cooperation of the Czech Republic in the year 2014, including statistics on the Czech ODA according to the OECD DAC statistical reporting. more ►

Czech Republic condemns killing of Ethiopians in Libya

To pay tribute and to honor all victims of the killing of Ethiopian Christians in Libya by the so-called Islamic State, the Embassy of the Czech Republic lowered its national flag for three days of national mourning. more ►