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MLP 2021 – Orbis pictus

donation ceremony

On Friday, October 15, 2021, the principal of the Al Mina Basic School took over during the ceremony the renovated building part of the school. The overall reconstruction was funded by the Czech Development Cooperation Programme using the Small… more ►

Fabric for the future in Burkina Faso

tkalcovský stav

On 11.10.2021, a factory for the production and sale of cotton fabrics was launched in Bodo- Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. A small local project (MLP) funded by the Czech Development Cooperation (Czech Development Cooperation) helped several local… more ►

Czech donation to Korle Bu hospital to fight COVID-19

donation ceremony

The Czech Republic donated hospital equipment worth of several milions CZK to the Korle Bu hospital, which with its 2,000 beds is the largest teaching hospital in West Africa. These are mainly hospital beds of Linet s.r.o. The donation should… more ►

Ambassador met Minister of Interior


On 20.10.2020, Ambassador Ján Füry met the Minister of the Interior, Ambrose Dery. The visit included the handing over of 5 multi-purpose hospital beds, which the Czech embassy gave as a humanitarian donation in the fight against Covid 19,… more ►

520 Czech tractors delivered to Ghana


The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) has taken delivery of 520 tractors from Czech company Knights to support small and medium-scale farmers under the mechanisation component of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme. more ►

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