Paul Ryan Visits the Czech Republic
30.03.2018 / 17:38 | Aktualizováno: 30.03.2018 / 17:53
The Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan visited the Czech Republic this March. During his visit, Speaker Ryan met Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament Radek Vondráček to discuss the pillars of the Czech-US relationship and the global challenges that lay ahead.
During his speech before the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Speaker Ryan underscored the importance of the Czech-US partnership in global security, “We know, and appreciate, how much you have fought side by side with us in Iraq, and in Afghanistan. We are also fortunate to have you watching over our embassy in Damascus, providing critical support for American citizens. You are an active and valued member of the Global Coalition for the Defeat of ISIS.”
Despite the many challenges that lie ahead on both sides of the Atlantic, the future promises great opportunity. Ambassador Hynek Kmoníček, who took part in the meetings of the Speaker’s visit, summed up the bottom-line, “The Speaker’s successful visit to the Czech Republic demonstrated the undeniable friendship and trust, shared by the Czech and American partners in these turbulent times.”
The year 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Czech nation’s independence as well as a centennial in Czech – U.S. diplomatic relations. The United States has in fact played a crucial role in the establishment of Czech independence. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Martin Stropnický reflected on the importance of the United States in Czech history, “Neither our independence, nor our accession to NATO would have been possible without American endorsement. In celebrating 100 years of modern Czech statehood, we celebrate our common achievements.” The long-lasting friendship of our two countries is founded on the mutual commitment to democratic values, security and prosperity and manifested by steadfast partnership in NATO, growing economic ties and extensive people-to-people contacts.