Long-term Visa (the stay over 90 days up to 1 year)
Long-term visa is issued as a Czech national visa with Schengen visa properties, i.e. while allowing to stay on the Territory of the Czech Republic up to 1 year, the Long-term Visa grants a possibility of the stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days within a half-year.
Long-term visa applicants need to schedule an appointment in advance. Our opening hours are every business day 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM. Please email us at washington.visa@mzv.gov.cz .
We would like to point out that due to the extreme overload of the visa agenda associated with the registration and issuance of visas for the citizens of Ukraine, there will certainly be significant delays in the decision-making of other applications for long-term residence titles.
You are obliged to file the application only at the Czech Embassy/Consulate located in the state of your citizenship or which issued your current travel document or in the state in which you have a long-term or permanent residence permit of two years minimum. You are excluded from these conditions if you are a citizen of a state presented in the list of countries whose nationals are entitled to file an application for a long-term visa at any Czech Embassy/Consulate whatsoever (Decree No. 429/2010 Coll.).
Which consular office in the U.S. should you contact?
You are invited to read and watch a brochure and a film intended for those who are considering residing in the Czech Republic for longer than 90 days.