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Official visit of the Mongolian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Czech Republic

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia Damdin Tsogtbaatar paid an official visit to the Czech Republic during May 19-21 2019.

The Minister was welcomed by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, President of the Senate Jaroslav Kubera, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Radek Vondráček, and met with Czech Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček and representatives of Czech companies doing business in Mongolia, as well as Deputy Minister of Agriculture Jiří Šíra. At Charles University, he met with the Mongolian students and also visited Prague Zoo, where he became acquainted with the project of the Return of Przewalski's horses and the intentions of Prague Zoo in the area of protection of other endangered animals in Mongolia.

The main topics of the meeting were Czech-Mongolian relations. The Czech Republic has a great interest and potential to cooperate with Mongolia in many areas (energy, geology, environment, food). Furthermore, ministers discussed global issues of international security and the current situation in the DPRK, Mongolia's participation in various peacekeeping missions in the world, including Afghanistan.

“Despite geographical distance, our countries are in fact very close. Both of our countries have achieved economic transformation and democracy in the 1990s. Next year, we will celebrate 70th  year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, ”said Minister Petříček. In the past, many Mongolian students studied in the Czech Republic, many of whom still speak Czech, and dozens of Czech experts have also worked in Mongolia. At present, the Mongolian community is still growing in the Czech Republic and our companies operate in Mongolia.

"The flagship of our cooperation is the return of the Przewalski's horse from our breeders back to the wildness in Mongolia; this June, the 9th transport will take place," said Minister Petříček.

Four agreements were signed during the visit:

  • Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Czech Republic on the Readmission of persons staying without authorization
  • Agreement on Social Security between Mongolia and the Czech Republic
  • Arrangement on Cultural cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
  • Agreement between the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the the Czech Republic on co-operation in the fields of education and science


Přijetí mongolského ministra zahraničí Tsogtbaatara

Oficiální návštěva mongolského ministra zahraničních věcí v České republice