The Czech Ambassador met with the Minister for Sports B. BAT-ERDENE
13.09.2023 / 07:23 | Aktualizováno: 23.01.2025 / 03:50
Ulaanbaatar - On Friday, September 8th, a meeting took place between the Minister for the National Committee for the Olympic Movement, Physical Activities, and Sport, and the Czech Ambassador Jan Vytopil. Minister B. Bat-Erdene, among other things, highly appreciated the cooperation in the area of Czech tourist signage for Mongolian hiking trails.
Ambassador Jan Vytopil detailed to his counterpart that with the signing of the Licensing Agreement for the use of the tourist signage system, Czechia and Mongolia have become intensively interconnected in the field of tourism and outdoor activities. This is thanks to the excellent collaboration of Mendel University in Brno and the Czech Tourist Club with the Mongolian Walking Association. The joint aim is the development of hiking trails and educational programs connected to nature and incorporating Mongolia into the most comprehensible tourist signage system, which is used by most countries in the world.
Bat-Erdene emphasized that active walking tourism and staying outdoors fit perfectly into the presidential initiative “Healthy Mongol”, for which his ministry is also responsible. He added that Mongolia has significantly opened up to tourists from abroad this year, who will also appreciate the clear signs, making it easier for them to navigate in the Mongolian nature.
For completeness, we add that selected members of the Mongolian Walking Association (MWA) underwent training from the Czech Tourist Club in Prague, to transfer the newly acquired skills back home. The Czech Tourist Club also gifted the MWA with marking equipment and paints, which will be used to mark selected trails.
Upon the arrival of students from Mendel University, another practical training began on August 23rd. The practical part consisted of marking the Dugui Tsagaan trail. Efforts are underway to create proposals for informational/educational boards in the Gorkhi-Terelj National Park. The designs are based on the work of two students from Mendel University. Thanks to significant media coverage both in Czechia and in Mongolia, foresters from Umnudelger have expressed interest in assistance with designing tourist routes, and we believe that other provinces will follow suit.