Radek Vondracek, Speaker of the Czech Chamber of Deputies, visited Toronto as a part of his mission to Canada
05.06.2019 / 14:00 | Aktualizováno: 05.06.2019 / 21:02
In the last week of May, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Mr. Radek Vondráček, visited Toronto as a part of his week-long mission to Canada taking place at the invitation of the Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada, Hon. Geoff Regan. During his visit to Canada, Radek Vondracek attended meetings in Ottawa, Toronto and Halifax.
Toronto, the capital of Ontario as well as the business centre of Canada was an important part of the program of the mission which was accompanied by representatives of the Comittee on Economic Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies as well as a business delegation led by Vice-President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Bořivoj Minář. In Toronto, Radek Vondráček met with, among others, the Speaker of Ontario Legislative Assembly, Hon. Ted Arnott.
An important part of the Speaker's schedule was also an evening meeting with representatives of the local Czech community, the second largest in the world. Speaker Vondráček visited Masaryk Memorial Institute in Masaryktown, where he had an opportunity to meet and take part in discussions with the local compatriot organizations. The evening was thus an opportunity towards mutual enrichment – getting acquainted with the work and issues faced by the local Czech community.

Radek Vondracek giving a speech during his meeting with a Czech community

Radek Vondracek and Radim Fiala by the monument commemorating the victims of Communist regime