Terezín 1944 - 2024
17.06.2024 / 15:53 | Aktualizováno: 18.06.2024 / 13:32
On June 7, 2024, a cultural and commemorative event entitled "Terezín 1944 - 2024: 80 years of history and memories" was organized by the Embassy together with the initiators of the project When Memory Meets Art. We were honored to welcome the survivor Ester Ringel, the former ambassador and member of the Beit Terezín Association Daniel Shek, and the director of the Terezín Memorial Museum Jan Roubinek. Together we remembered the importance of history and honored the memory of Terezín´s victims.
The importatnt participation of survivors, diplomatic mission representatives and Czech compatriots is proof that even after eighty years, the memories of Terezín are still alive and relevant. Together we can ensure that these stories will never be forgotten and that the historical messages that Terezín offers to us will be forwarded to future generations.