Marka Míková and her puppet performance in Israel
14.01.2020 / 14:17 | Aktualizováno: 14.01.2020 / 15:08
The Embassy of the Czech Republic to Israel together with the Czech Centre Tel Aviv and Czech School in Israel invited Czech artists Marka Míková and Antonín Novotný to Israel with their puppet performance in order to bring joy to the children from the Czech and international community. The children from the Czech School in Israel met in Hasimta Theatre in Jaffa in order to see the Frog stories - a puppet performance by Marka Míková and Antonín Novotný. The performance in English was then performed several times at the American International School in Even Yehuda where Marka Míková also handed over several books she wrote for children to the school library. Last but not least, Marka Míková took part in an opening ceremony in the Czech House Jerusalem together with Mrs. Veronika Stropnická where regular Czech language classes for children from the Czech School of Israel will take place. The children enjoyed all the performances and readings from Marka´s books a lot and interacted with great enthusiasm.