Czech Presidency of the European Union 2022 - Happening on Jerusalem Beach, Tel Aviv
01.07.2022 / 17:47 | Aktualizováno: 21.07.2022 / 10:52
To mark the Czech Presidency of the EU, starting from July 1st, 2022, the Czech Embassy in Israel organized a happening for Tel Aviv citizens of all ages on Jerusalem Beach in Tel Aviv.
On Thursday, June 30, 2022, our Embassy marked its Presidency of the European Union by having a warm summer happening on Jerusalem Beach in Tel Aviv. Many thanks to everyone who came to support us on that day! We couldn't have wished for a better start of EU2022cz!!! Czech bubble master and holder of 11 world records Matěj Kodeš performed with his bubble show, traditional Czech beer was served. While listening to the sounds of drums by Czech TamTam Batucada and Israeli Yael & Comp., the participants had the opportunity to play volleyball against a team of diplomats led by the Czech ambassador. We thank the Tel Aviv Municipality for having this opportunity to organize such an event. We thank our sponsors of the event and all performers. A huge thank you to all. The event was unique!