Presentation of a book „You would Never Understand“ by Udi Gazit
13.03.2015 / 10:53 | Aktualizováno: 13.03.2015 / 11:38
On 12 March 2015 the Czech ambassador Ivo Schwarz opened a presentation of a book by Udi Gazit entailing the chain of unplanned events that took place on a journey to rediscover his wife Daniella´s lost family. In a rare turn of events, the paths of his wife´s family from Austerlitz in Moravia came together with that of his father from Palestine, who was sent to then Czechoslovakia to receive his pilot training and was later one of the forming members of the Israeli Air Force. The book is describing a story of the Holocaust, end of the World War II and the rebirth of the Israeli state. The presentation took place in the Independence Hall in Tel Aviv, where on 14 May 1948 the establishing of the State of Israel was declared.