Exhibition of photos by professors and students of FAMU on Musrara Mix Fest
09.05.2016 / 18:40
Venue: 9 Haayin Het Street, Musrara, Jerusalem - May 24, 2016 to May 26, 2016Czech Embassy and Czech Centre Tel Aviv are inviting you to an international exhibition of photos in the presence of authors, which is a part of the traditional Musrara Mix Festival. On display will be also works by students and professors of Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU): Martin Netočný, Jakub Svoboda, Šimon Levinter, Anna Jarosz, Daniela Junášková, Lucia Kuklišová, Julietta Korbel, Zheng Minghui, Jun-Ye Lin and Alexandra Mertová.