Czech film Last of the Cyclists in Israel
07.05.2019 / 12:51 | Aktualizováno: 07.05.2019 / 12:58
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Israel together with the Czech House Jerusalem invite you to the screening of the Czech film Last of the Cyclists, telling the story of a small Christian girl Klárka, who was adopted by in 1933 by a childless Jewish couple.
The screening (2x83 min) will be followed by a discussion with Mrs. Eva Erbenová whose story inspired the authors of the movie.
The film will be screened in Czech language with English subtitles.
When: June 5, 2019, 6PM
Where: Czech House Jerusalem, Hebron Rd. 11, (Cinemateque)
Free entry
RSVP till June 3, 2019 to telaviv@embassy.mzv.cz - the capacity of the hall is limited!
Last of the Cyclist
Klárka did not know anything about the Jewish origin of a woman and a man who had been a mother and dad for her since her childhood. Nor did she know that she became a Jew by being registered in the Jewish community. Thanks to her grandmother she learned Jewish customs, traditions and holidays and their Old Testament meaning. With Hitler on the scene the situation of the Jews was deteriorating and the journey to Terezín seemed to be inevitable. There were only two chances of saving the girl. She could go with her relatives to America or return to her biological mother, a Christian.
In the main children's role you can see Sabina Rojková and also Vincent Navrátil as her friend Herbert.