Czech Embassy supported the project of outdoor libraries in Tel Aviv
21.05.2015 / 15:19 | Aktualizováno: 21.05.2015 / 15:25
I this year the Czech Embassy participated in the project of outdoor libraries in Tel Aviv. In these libraries are now available books representing the best of Czech literature (Jaroslav Hašek – Good Soldier Svejk /HEB/, Bohumil Hrabal – I served the King of England /HEB/, Michal Viewegh – The Wonderful Years of Lousy Living /HEB/, Karel Čapek – Criticism pf Words /HEB/, Jáchym Topol – Gargling With Tar /HEB/, Zdeněk Jiroutka – Saturnin /EN/ and Zdeněk Jiroutka – Saturnin /RUS/).
These books were donated by the Czech Embassy and Czech Centre on the occasion on the 25th anniversary of renewal of diplomatic relations between the Czech Republic and Israel and the first visit of President Václav Havel to the State of Israel in April 1990, which the readers can learn from stamps in each of them.
The official handover to the Municipality of Tel Aviv took place on 21 May 2015 at the library on Boulevard Rothschild. In the festive event took part the Mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai, Czech Ambassador Ivo Schwarz, Director of Czech Centre Lukáš Přibyl and a number of other guests and passerbys.