Working visit of the Junior Deputy Minister and Director of Public Diplomacy Department of the Czech MFA Kristina Larischová in Israel
26.10.2015 / 11:31 | Aktualizováno: 02.11.2015 / 11:40
Ms. Kristina Larischová, Junior Deputy Minister and Director of Public Diplomacy Department, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held on October 26, 2015, periodic bilateral consultations with counterparts from the MFA in Jerusalem. Mr. Yuval Rotem, Senior Deputy Director, host of the consultations, in his intervention highlighted a number of public diplomacy challenges specific to Israel. Following participants joined the discussions: Mr. Raphael Gamzou, Deputy Director General and Head of the Division for Cultural and Scientific Affairs, Mr. Arthur Koll, Deputy Director General and Head of Media and Public Affairs Division, Mr. Noam Katz, Head of Planning and Development Division, Mr. Amir Gissin, Head of Digital Diplomacy Department, Mr. Akiva Tor, Head of Bureau for World Jewish Affairs and World Religions, and Mr. Eyal Naor, Director of Public Diplomacy Department.
Ms. Larischová visited Beit Theresienstadt museum on October 27. She met with several Czech holocaust survivors (see photos with famous writer Ms. Ruth Bondy). She celebrated Czech National day with Czech countrymen in the residence of Czech Ambassaor in Herzliya.