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Working visit of Minister of Regional development Karla Šlechtová on 25 – 28 October 2015 in Israel

Minister of Regional development Karla Šlechtová visited in the delegation of Minister of Culture Daniel Herman on 25 – 28 October 2015 the State of Israel. On this occasion she had in Jerusalem bilateral talks with Yariv Levin, Minister of tourism of Israel and a working meeting in Bethlehem with Rula Ma´ayah, Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities. Minister Karla Šlechtová participated in a part of Václav Havel Week by visiting the theatre performance Antiwords by the Czech dancing group Spitfire Company and by unveiling of Václav Havel Bench in Tel Aviv University.  Together with minister D. Herman she visited the holocaust survivors in Beit Theresienstadt and participated at the reception in Herzliya on the occasion of the Czech National Day.


Ministryně pro místní rozvoj Karla Šlechtová v IL 25. - 28. 10. 2015