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Visit of the Standing Senate Commission on Compatriots Living Abroad in Israel (May 23 – 27, 2016)

Standing Senate Commission on Compatriots Living Abroad has been working since the establishment of Senate in 1996. From May 23, 2016 to May 27, 2016 the representatives of Senate Tomáš Grulich (chairman of the Standing Commission), Zdeněk Besta (member of the Standing Commission), Peter Koliba (member of the Standing Commission) and Bronislava Vacková (Secretary of the Commission) accompanied by Jaroslav Kantůrek (Special Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Czechs Living Abroad) made its first  visit to the State of Israel.

The Senate delegation met with the partner committee in Knesset and its chairman Avraham Neguise, the chairwoman of the parliamentary group of friends of the Czech Republic in the Knesset Aliza Lavie and representatives of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and AJC, the global Jewish advocacy organization.

The program included a visit to Beit Terezin, Kfar Masaryk, meetings with Czech compatriots in Haifa, Tel Aviv, the Orthodox Czech community in Jerusalem and ended with the participation in the commemoration ceremony for Czechoslovak victims of the Holocaust in Jerusalem Mountains.


Stálá komise Senátu pro krajany žijící v zahraničí 23. - 27. 5. 2016