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Termination of Czech Presidency in the Visegrad group

On June 28, 2016 there was held a ceremony on the occasion of termination of the Czech presidency in the Visegrad Four, which since July 1, 2016 Poland will take over. Ambassador Ivo Schwarz invited the representatives of the Visegrad embassies to Yatir Forest, where each of them planted a tree. Visegrad trees will symbolize the ties of this group with the State of Israel, which should symbolically grow together with their growth.


Trees are marked with placards with the names of ambassadors who planted them – Ivo Schwarz, Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Jacek Chodorowicz, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Peter Hulényni, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic and Andor Nagy, Ambassador of Hungary, on behalf of whom the tree was planted by his deputy András Kovács.

The program also included a tour of the forest, which thanks events like this, is step by step enlarging toward the Negev desert. The event was organized in the cooperation with KKL and Yatir Winery.


Ukončení CZ PRES ve V4, 28.6.2016