Spa day in Tel Aviv
08.12.2015 / 12:40 | Aktualizováno: 22.01.2016 / 12:44
Supporting Czech spas is a part of the priorities of the Czech Republic promotion carried out by the agency CzechTourism abroad. One of the marketing activities are workshops in selected countries, among them also in Israel which is playing a very important role in this area. For this reason CzechTourism organized a workshop and a working evening in Tel Aviv to which spa and medical bodies from the West Bohemian triangle were invited. B2B workshop enjoyed great interest of Israeli travel agencies that brings their clients on treatment and cures and also to medical interventions. In the evening meeting participated further outgoing agents and agencies and journalists reporting on issues on tourism and medical tourism. Representatives of 12 companies from the West Bohemia presented news and opportunities to more than 90 experts from Israel. The event was held on December 8, 2015 with the support of the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv.