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Mr. Richard Brabec, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment, visited Israel

Minister Brabec's visit to Israel followed his meeting with Mr. Zeev Elkin, Minister of Environmental Protection, earlier this year. It was then discussed that a significant potential for cooperation exists in the environmental protection and the two parties agreed to identify the opportunities and framework document that would become the basis of the future cooperation in this area. The main objective of the Minister's current trip to Israel was the endorsement of the Joint Declaration on Environmental Protection.

Minister Brabec also met with Mr. Oded Distel , Director of Israel New Tech & Eco Systems, and with representatives of the Regulator - Water Authority. He also attended the TEDX Seminar TelAvivSalon Water. At the end of their short stay in Israel, the delegation of the Ministry of the Environment visited the international exhibition WATEC 2017, met with representatives of the Smart City Consortium and supported Czech exporters, who presented themselves on a joint exhibition stand under the organizational auspices of CzechTrade.


Pracovní cesta 1. místopředsedy vlády a ministra životního prostředí Richarda Brabce do Izraele