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Minister of Culture Daniel Herman and Minister of Regional Development Karla Šlechtová visited holocaust survivors in Beit Theresienstadt

On 27 October 2015 Minister of Culture Daniel Herman and Minister of Regional Development Karla Šlechtová accompanied by Czech Ambassador Ivo Schwarz and a numerous guests from the Czech Republic visited Beit Theresienstadt in Kibbutz Givat Haim Ichud. After the welcome speech of Rani Idan, Mayor of Emeq Hefer Counsil , the Director Tami Kinberg showed to the Czech guests all the exhibitions – “The Historical Museum – Theresienstadt 1941 – 1945”, “Children of Theresienstadt – If I could return to my house” and “Theresienstadt League – Sport and Youth in the Theresienstadt Ghetto”. The main part of the program was discussion with the survivors Ruth Bondy, Ruth Maisner, Mical Efrat, Petr Lang and Mordechai Livni.


Beit Terezín 27. 10. 2015