Israeli scientific delegation attends the ICCB international conference in Brno (27.- 30. 6. 2017)
30.06.2017 / 15:56 | Aktualizováno: 24.07.2017 / 15:58
On 27-30 June 2017, the Czech Scientific Counselor Delana Mikolášová and the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv organized a mission of 9 leading Israeli scientists to the international conference on organic chemistry ICCB (The Fifth International Conference on Cucurbituls) organized by the Masaryk University in Brno. It was the very first scientific mission of Israeli experts to the Czech Republic which was organized by the Embassy. The three-day meeting of Czech and Israeli scientists resulted in an important collaboration: the scientific team of prof. Vladimír Šindelář from the Institute of Chemistry of Masaryk University will carry out joint research in the area of supramolecular systems with the team of Dr. Amnon Bar-Shir of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Sciences. More than 110 scientists from 18 countries attended the ICCB International Conference in Brno, with Israel having the strongest representation thanks to the financial support from the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of the Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation (PROPED project).
The Israeli delegation to Brno was headed by prof. Ehud Keinan (Technion) who also serves as the President of the Israel Chemical Society. Among the members of the delegation were leading experts from the Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Technion, Tel Aviv University and Open University.