INSPIRELI PROJECT for young architects and designers
02.06.2016 / 14:37 | Aktualizováno: 02.06.2016 / 14:40
Take part in the INSPIRELI project and its INSPIRELI AWARDS talent which aims to help facilitate the launch of career of architects and designers under the age of 35. In its first year, the INSPIRELI AWARDS contest became one of the most successful competitions to support young talents in architecture and design in the world.
In the year 2015, 250 participants from 25 countries and 45 universities from all over the world provided altogether 580 contest photos. The total of 18 527 votes were given and 50 people from 11 countries and 17 universities reached the finals. Winners, the participants from the People’s Republic of China and the Czech Republic, were selected by the professional jury of 25 architects from 6 continents. The contestant from Jordan succeeded in a public voting.
If you are interested to get involved in this project, please get in touch with the Project manager Karel Smejkal by e-mail You can find further information at the website of INSPIRELI.