Festive Ceremony on the occasion of the finishing of CEMACH project at the Czech Embassy on June 19, 2018
19.06.2018 / 17:20 | Aktualizováno: 19.06.2018 / 17:23
The Ministry of Education of the State of Israel, Czech Centre Tel Aviv and the Embassy of the Czech Republic realized in the school year 2017/2018 for the second time the CEMACH project at Israeli high schools which took part in a student competition about Czech Republic.
On June 19, 2018 Czech Embassy hosted an official ceremony on the occasion of the termination of the 2nd year of the project. The keynote speakers were the Deputy Ambassador Karel Pažourek, Director of Czech Centre Robert Mikoláš, Director of Division of International Relations and UNESCO of the Israeli Ministry of Education Dalit Atrakchi, Director of Central Europe of MFA Carmela Shamir, Chief Inspector of Ministry of Education Liza Shalom, Art instructor of Tzernichovsky High School in Netanya Maria Pozniak and student of Leo Beck High School in Haifa Ilai Carmel. The students who won the competition were Neav Karmi Goodyear, Radmila Bikliasheva, Roni Avraham, Ela Katz, Noga Shlaim, Emuna Adaf, Lidor Kashkash, Ilai Carmel and Ben Uri Shechter Klauber.