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Czech Minister of Culture Daniel Herman was the guest of honor during the Václav Havel Week in Israel

In 2015 Czech Embassy and Czech Centre organized a number of events commemorating the 25th anniversary of reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and the State of Israel which ended with Václav Havel Week at the end of October. On this occasion Czech Minister of Culture Daniel Herman together with the Minister of Regional Development Karla Šlechtová, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs  Michaela Marksová  and other numerous distinguished representatives of the Czech Republic visited between 25 – 28 October 2015 the State of Israel.

In Jerusalem minister D. Herman had bilateral talks with Yossi Sharabi, Director-General of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the State of Israel, opened Václav Havel Garden, unveiled Václav Havel signature in King David Hotel in Jerusalem, participated in the awarding of Mr. Yehuda Bauer by Gratias Agit, visited the Rabbi of the Western Wall and took part at the theatre performance Antiwords by the Czech dancing group Spitfire Company. The most important parts of his program in Tel Aviv were the unveiling of Václav Havel Bench in Tel Aviv University and participation in the presentation of the book “Václav Havel: A Life”  by its author Michael Žantovský and in the performance by Czech Philharmonic Quartet. Minister Herman also visited holocaust survivors in Beit Theresienstadt and participated at the reception in Herzliya on the occasion of the Czech National Day.


Návštěva ministra kultury D. Hermana v Izraeli, 25. - 28. 10. 2015